Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Sayembara Summarecon Serpong Housing Estate

1st Design..
Floating layout with movable sunshade..

Overall view (1st Design)

2nd Design..
Half triangle-shaped..with interconnecting space..vertical sunshade..

All design refers to Triangle shaped..as metaphor of home..
composing based-shape with modernity..unfinished material and simple layout..

Gerbang Villa Bogor

Design of Bogor Villa's Gate..

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Ren's Ducking


While my friend asked me to design..
simply designed.. composed the needs..
Teakwood furniture, ducking frame, and bubu lamp
(no..the picture has wrong perception..it seems like yolk)
bubu lamp is traditional bamboo fishnet..
That's it !!!

LEGO Area Store @Pongs Do It Best Home Center MKG3

3rd Place was..
Pongs Do It Best Home Center MKG3..
Let's see..

Overall Area store

When we built it..random brick and Column..
But now..honestly..we don't like much with the management arrangement..
while we consistently marked it supposed to be LEGO Area..otherwise they're not undertake it and interfuse the area with others..
(unwell arrangement)

Could u see??..
supposed to be our Playtable Area.

take a look around..
yup..soooo many other display swarmed our area.. 
there's no enough space to see them clearly..play moreover.. :sigh:

Done with Gading's journey..bloody awesome!!!

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

LEGO Area Store @Star Department Store MKG3

the 2nd Area..
at Star Department Store MKG3..
we've worked on Playtable..

so just take views on it..

Can't be denied.. Playtable worked so much..
children plays around :)

LEGO Homesite @Toys Kingdom Mall of Indonesia

Running to Gading's Area..
Greatfully we've honored to design 3 LEGO Area Store in different Shopping Mall

at Toys Kindom Mall of Indonesia..

Here, so much exploration composed..
Wider layout..Huge Column..Higher Ceiling..and more space on Gondolas..
then we called it "LEGO Homesite"

(same as Gandaria City..the Larger on prevoius posted)

Let's take around !!!
The Huge Column as Centerpiece..
main area to get play.. see the movie.. 
and take a chance to build ur own creation on Playtable, guys :D

View from entrance..
if we took the main entrance..we're gonna treated Huge Column sceneries..
get closer.. u gonna see all gondolas behind...
(snap on macro mode)

Detail on LEGO Centerpiece..
3D construction people, LEGO trademarks, and random brick-shadow
colourfully arranged..

Get closer..
we could see all gondolas in aisle behind..

Okey..that's a lil explanation on the 1st Area..
Let's move to the 2nd..

LEGO Area Store @Toys City Botani Square Bogor

Move to another project of LEGO..
now we're at Botani Square Bogor..

Not much different with the last one at Bintaro..
it completely the same without playtable..only fore display rack..

Let's take a snip snap!!!


Header and Overall Area Store Scene..

Okey..that's a lil snip snap on..
let's move other project :D

LEGO Area Store @Toys City Bintaro Plaza

it was started with layout..
ideas came around..  drowning in sketches..

Pour it into 3Ds..
well.. not so 3D realisation..
but somehow they (client) loved to see it just clearly described..
know how's it gonna (in only few hours or day revision)..

hemm.. it's not gonna be our excuses.. 
but seriously made us aaarrrrghh (oops)..

yupp.. those some progress photos..
(forgot to capture them done :p )
header..playtable..and siders.. as usual..
but a lil bit different cos we found another new material that could decrease and easy installing in siders..

hope it could be one of our portfolios..
and be our first experiment using new material :D

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Bebong's House (Preliminary Design)

Some Preliminary sketches during our interpretation met client needs..

(overall desgned would be semi outdoor and inter-connecting space)

Interior Scenes 
(from kitchen to inner court)

heeemm.. we didn't use space divider to make it wider, inter-connected, and usefully arranged.. so could make it less..

(adapting "less is more" mies van der rohe)

Exterior Facade
would be like ordinary ancient Netherland-Indonesia adaptation..

Front Semi outdoor Bale-bale as foyer, masonry, hexagon side, 
and paras jogja loster mixed up..

And it's already consulted to client, havin good respond..
but gotta too much on our interpretation with ancient concept..client want it a lil bit modern in facade.. layout worked so much..she loved it..
so we gotta fixed the facade.. and wished it could be built in 2012 :)


While they're workin, i've got some "intermezzo" photos..

me (photographer) havin more time created those set 
(helpin Lego Crew fixed up the diorama)
well not much, but i do like this session..

few set i've done.. builder & farm set.. isn't right?? :p

and.. u should see this OTR (off the record scene) i've took..

sssssttt.. he (Lego crew) fell asleep :D hehheheh

okey.. we've worked all night long.. shifted each other..
doin more time in what we called "our passion"

Keep it up :)

LEGO Area Store @Debenhams Senayan City (Process)

we're workin at the playtable.. kinda huge !!!

and these are the gondolas ...


yup..firstly we loaded up the material..

then we assembled them up...

till.. we could set them up in position..


yep..we're done for the 1st section..and u could see it on location with giant giraffe set up on playtable platform.. NICE WORK, GUYS !!!

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Children's crowd

 walkin on aisle
we could go up the playtable..hoop !!!


flock around

LEGO Area Store @Puri Indah Mall

Attractive spot

 LEGO Tiny Light Box



Look up.. Minifig !!

 Diorama & Back Aisle

Overall Area Store

Minggu, 17 April 2011

Children communes

these just our monologue capture about how children love to play..
love to see them communes :D

 "my father told me how to play it"

 "play it then watch it"

 "reach for the loose..play it and okey..take a minute to watch the movie"

 "concentrate watching the movie"

 "we're watching it"

 "dad seems like to watch it too..ehhmm no..it's our area, dad"

"where's everyone", blue shirt-lil girl said

LEGO Area Store @Living World Mall Alam Sutera

main column (3D printing) yup..the most difficult part

 it's nice to see it really works

 four sided column.. playtable, 3d printing, and shelving

 ok..those are Mr. Rudy and ALJ Crew made..awesome :D


 another gondolas

 and here it is..the differences between other..
1st time installment of curved acrylic and Lego lightbox


 overall area store views

 sneak peak to overall area store

 main attractive area.. Playtable :D

another overall area store views